No experience is necessary to be a part of the show! Additionally, there are several off-stage opportunities for those wanting to help with sets, props, costuming, lights, sound, box office, house manager, etc. Come see us at auditions to get involved.
Come prepared with 32 measures (about a verse and a chorus) of a song of your choice. No accompanist or piano will be provided. We suggest using an accompaniment/karaoke track for your audition. An ipod/mp3 hook up will be available. We strongly discourage a cappella auditions.
Please bring a list of all potential conflicts from the beginning of the rehearsal period through the closing of the show.
Rehearsal dates are listed below. Any conflicts with the posted schedule must be discussed with the Directors before casting can be confirmed.
There may be a dance /movement audition at the original auditions, so please be dressed and ready to dance.
Callbacks if needed are by invitation only.
If cast, there is a show fee of $100.00 which may be paid by selling ads.In order to make a solid commitment to this production, there are some things you need to be aware of before you audition. This production is a musical in which ALL members of the cast are essential to its success.It is only fair that you know what you are committing to, before you say “yes.”
Weekly rehearsals will be: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:30-9:00pm.
Saturday rehearsals will be SCHEDULED AS NEEDED. Please list ALL rehearsal conflicts on your audition form.If you are sick and unable to attend a rehearsal, it is essential you call the director as early as possible.A No CALL, No SHOW may result in being dismissed from the show.